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17th March 2020, 19:45

St. Patrick's Day

Good evening everyone, as you know or imagine, today 17th March is St. Patrick's Day. It's a pity we cannot celebrate it at school. As you know, I am a big fan of Ireland and Irish traditions, so I will try to give you some reasons why to love it as much as I do.

Buenas tardes, como os podéis imaginar o ya sabéis, hoy es St. Patricks. Ya sabéis que soy una enamorada de Irlanda y sus tradiciones y me gustaría transmitiros un poquito de ello hoy, allí va.

WhatsApp Image 2020-03-08 at

First, watch this video, watch it twice or three times. There is a lot of information and very quickly, but it is very clear and funny. You can turn the speed down so you can understand it better.

Primero mirad éste vídeo, tiene mucha información y lo dicen muy rápido, pero si lo veis dos o tres veces (es muy corto) os quedará todo muy claro (poned subtitulos). Podéis poner en la configuración del vídeo que la velocidad sea más lenta, para que podáis entenderlo mejor.

Name: Patrick

Born in: Britain

Date of birth: 387

Feast: 17th March


He extended Christianity and used a SHAMROCK to explain the union between son, father and the holy spirit. 

Él extendió el catolicismo y utilizaba el trébol para explicar la unión entre padre, hijo y espíritu santo.

The name shamrock comes from Irish seamróg, which is the diminutive of the Irish word "seamair óg" and simply means "young clover".

El nombre "shamrock" viene del gaélico y significa en ese idioma: "trébol joven"



/ˈlɛprəkɔːn/ (LEPRAKOON) 

This lovely character is famous all over the world as the Irish folklore character. It is part of the Irish folklore and mythology. It is said that they lived in Ireland before the Celts arrival. They are famous for their dance. Their job is shoemakers because they love dancing and they need a lot of shoes. It is said that they run a lot, so if you catch one, they have to grant 3 wishes to you.

Este simpático personaje es famoso en el folclore Irlandés. Se dice que vivía en la isla antes de la llegada de los celtas. Son famosos por su baile. Su trabajo es el de fabricante de zapatos, porque adoran bailar y necesitan muchos zapatos. Corren mucho, así que si eres hábil como para atrapar uno, te tienen que conceder tres deseos.


Leprechaun dance - el baile del Leprechaun


One of the myths related to leprechauns is the one that at the end of the rainbow there is a pot of gold. Well, it is said that is guarded by a leprechaun.

Uno de los mitos relacionados con los Leprechauns es el de que al final del arcoíris hay in caldero lleno de oro. Bien, se dice que está custodiado por un leprechaun.

Read the following story related to St. Patrick's Day, it is easy and interesting to read. You will be able to check what you have understood later.

Lee esta historia que relaccionada con el día de St. Patrick's. Más trade podrás comprobar de lo que te has enterado.

St. Patrick's Day Rebus Story

"Oh no!" Erica exclaimed when she walked into school. Everyone was wearing green. Well, everyone except her. She had forgotten it was St. Patrick's Day.
"No green? You get a pinch," Erica's best friend, Sarah, said to her as she walked up and pinched her.
"Ouch!" Erica shrieked. She knew this was going to be a horrible day if she didn't find some green fast.
Erica walked outside to look for a shamrock, but she didn't find anything. Erica sat down on the steps and started to cry. Suddenly, a leprechaun appeared.
"What's the matter, young Lassie?" he said.
"Who are you?" Erica asked.
"Why I'm a leprechaun and I'm here to cheer ye upon this St. Patty's Day," he replied.
"I forgot to wear green today," Erica said. "If I go in there, everyone will pinch me all day long!"
"No worries, lass. I'll help you with some green," the leprechaun replied.
Suddenly, a pot of gold appeared. "Let me just work my magic and you'll have plenty of green to wear," he said.
Erica watched as he worked his magic. He sprinkled some of the gold from the pot of gold. Then, he took off his hat and, from it, produced the most perfect shamrock she had ever seen.
"Here ya go lass," he said.
Erica thanked the leprechaun and headed back into school to enjoy her day pinch-free.


Music is quite an important part of Irish culture. And how could it not be? It is wonderful!!! Some examples:

La música forma una importante parte de la cultural irlandesa, y no podía ser de otra manera, es genial. Aquí unos ejemplos:

Ireland is extremely famous for its pubs, full of live music at all times. 

Irlanda es famosa for la música en directo de sus pubs a todas horas.

Molly Malone, a famous fishmonger from Dublin, has her own statue in one of the principal streets of Dublin.

Molly Malone, famosa vendedora de pescado, tiene su propia estatua en una de las calles más importantes de Dublin.

si queréis saber más de ella: 


Prueba tu "irlandesidad" ;P


Click on this PDF and try to think if these things are true or false. You have learnt a lot up till here!!

Haz click en este documents PDF y piensa si las afirmaciones son verdaderas o falsas. Has aprendido mucho hasta ahora!

Hasta aquí el día de St. Patrick's. Espero que os haya resultado ameno, divertido e interesante, y que hayáis aprendido cosas nuevas. Y por otra parte, espero haberos transmitido un poco de mi amor por esta tierra.

ACTUALIZACIÓN 20th March 2020, 13:00

Aquí tenéis las soluciones del PDF con frases para adivinar si son verdaderas o falsas. Si no lo habéis intentado aún, no miréis éste aún, mirad más arriba e intentadlo ;)

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